University of Louisiana at Lafayette


Ray P. Authement College of Sciences



Interested in gaming and entertainment computing? Fascinated by the advanced graphics, musical and visual experience, enjoyable user experience, artificial worlds and artificial intelligences?

Our video game design and development track selects electives related to video games, human-computer interaction, graphics, artificial intelligence, visual arts and visual design, and storytelling.


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It's a booming new career, and our interdisciplinary program offers individualized tracks that provide you with the necessary background and specialized skills you need for success.

Electronics & Interface Design

Our computer science program offers concentrations that range from computer hardware and applied computing to artificial intelligence and game design.

So whether you are interested in digital systems and circuits or human-computer interaction, we have a track for you!

Center for Advanced Computer Studies

The Center for Advanced Computer Studies is the research arm of the School of Computing and Informatics.

The Center provides quality, cutting-edge educational and research experiences at the masters and doctoral levels and offers graduate degrees in both computer science and computer engineering.


Video Spotlight: Why UL Lafayette?

Why study in Lafayette? Because it's full of great people, food, music, and ideas. We're a city of the future — and we have the accolades to prove it.


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We offer six degree programs among three academic units: the Center for Advanced Computer Studies, computer science program, and informatics program. You can choose from a diverse set of courses every semester and have access to state-of-the-art facilities in James R. Oliver Hall, the newest academic building on UL Lafayette’s campus.

Our school has strong relationships with local and national technology companies that actively seek out our graduates for internships and careers. Learn how you can become a part of our school and start building your future today!

Look at our graduate flyer here for brief information about us.


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August 3rd, 2024


The University of Louisiana at Lafayette will receive a five-year, $ 2.7 million award from the National Science... Read More ➝
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